
Wowm is a domain specific language for describing the layout of messages used in the Client/Server communication for World of Warcraft with the intention of auto generating documentation and usable programming libraries.

The language leans heavily on syntax from C/C++ for declaring definers, built-in types, and containers. Definers are simple wrappers over regular numbers that name valid values. Containers specify the order and layout of messages.

Definers can either be flags or enums. enums can only have one valid named value, while flags can have multiple. flags are also known as bitfields.

The following is an example enum and flag:

enum TestEnum : u8 {
    TEST_ONE = 1;
    TEST_TWO = 2;
    TEST_THREE = 3;
/* TestEnums can only be either 1, 2, or 3. */

flag TestFlag : u8 {
    TEST_ONE = 1;
    TEST_TWO = 2;
    TEST_FOUR = 4;
/* TestFlags can be either 1, 2, 4 or any combination thereof like 0, 3, 7, or 5. */

The u8 after the : specifies the basic type of the definers. This is the type that is actually sent over the network. A u8 is an unsigned integer of 8 bits (1 byte). A u32 would be an unsigned little endian integer of 32 bits (4 bytes). A u32_be would be an unsigned big endian integer of 32 bits (4 bytes).

For a full list of built-in types, see the built-in types section in the specification.

Containers specify the actual message as well as structs which can be used as a type in other containers.

A full list of container variants can be found in the container section of the specification.

The following is an example of a struct using built-in types, that is itself also used as a type in an smsg (world message sent from the server):

struct TestStruct {
    u32 price_in_gold;
    u32 amount_purchased;

    Number after "=" is the opcode. Use hexadecimal.
    Size is automatically calculated based on contents.
smsg SMSG_TEST = 0xFF {
    CString name;
    TestStruct t;
/* The above is functionally identical to */
smsg SMSG_TEST = 0xFF {
    CString name;
    u32 price_in_gold;
    u32 amount_purchased;

All objects must specify which version of the game they work with. See the section on versioning with tags