
Client Version 1, Client Version 2, Client Version 3

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/combat/smsg_ai_reaction.wowm:3.

enum AiReaction : u32 {
    ALERT = 0;
    FRIENDLY = 1;
    HOSTILE = 2;
    AFRAID = 3;
    DESTROY = 4;


The basic type is u32, a 4 byte (32 bit) little endian integer.


ALERT0 (0x00)pre-aggro (used in client packet handler)
FRIENDLY1 (0x01)(NOT used in client packet handler)
HOSTILE2 (0x02)sent on every attack, triggers aggro sound (used in client packet handler)
AFRAID3 (0x03)seen for polymorph (when AI not in control of self?) (NOT used in client packet handler)
DESTROY4 (0x04)used on object destroy (NOT used in client packet handler)

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