Client Version 1.12

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/social/smsg_group_list.wowm:18.

smsg SMSG_GROUP_LIST = 0x007D {
    GroupType group_type;
    u8 flags;
    u32 amount_of_members;
    GroupListMember[amount_of_members] members;
    Guid leader;
    optional group_not_empty {
        GroupLootSetting loot_setting;
        Guid master_loot;
        ItemQuality loot_threshold;

SMSG have a header of 4 bytes.

SMSG Header

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameDescription
0x002 / Biguint16sizeSize of the rest of the message including the opcode field but not including the size field.
0x022 / Littleuint16opcodeOpcode that determines which fields the message contains.


OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
0x041 / -GroupTypegroup_type
0x051 / -u8flagsmangoszero/cmangos/vmangos: own flags (groupid
0x064 / Littleu32amount_of_members
0x0A? / -GroupListMember[amount_of_members]members
-8 / LittleGuidleader

Optionally the following fields can be present. This can only be detected by looking at the size of the message.

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
-1 / -GroupLootSettingloot_setting
-8 / LittleGuidmaster_lootZero if loot_setting is not MASTER_LOOT
-1 / -ItemQualityloot_threshold

Client Version 2.4.3

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/social/smsg_group_list.wowm:46.

smsg SMSG_GROUP_LIST = 0x007D {
    GroupType group_type;
    Bool battleground_group;
    u8 group_id;
    u8 flags;
    Guid group;
    u32 amount_of_members;
    GroupListMember[amount_of_members] members;
    Guid leader;
    optional group_not_empty {
        GroupLootSetting loot_setting;
        Guid master_loot;
        ItemQuality loot_threshold;
        DungeonDifficulty difficulty;


SMSG have a header of 4 bytes.

SMSG Header

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameDescription
0x002 / Biguint16sizeSize of the rest of the message including the opcode field but not including the size field.
0x022 / Littleuint16opcodeOpcode that determines which fields the message contains.


OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
0x041 / -GroupTypegroup_type
0x051 / -Boolbattleground_group
0x061 / -u8group_id
0x071 / -u8flagsmangoszero/cmangos/vmangos: own flags (groupid
0x088 / LittleGuidgroup
0x104 / Littleu32amount_of_members
0x14? / -GroupListMember[amount_of_members]members
-8 / LittleGuidleader

Optionally the following fields can be present. This can only be detected by looking at the size of the message.

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
-1 / -GroupLootSettingloot_setting
-8 / LittleGuidmaster_lootZero if loot_setting is not MASTER_LOOT
-1 / -ItemQualityloot_threshold
-1 / -DungeonDifficultydifficulty

Client Version 3.3.5

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/social/smsg_group_list.wowm:88.

smsg SMSG_GROUP_LIST = 0x007D {
    u8 group_type;
    u8 group_id;
    u8 flags;
    u8 roles;
    Guid group;
    u32 counter;
    u32 amount_of_members;
    GroupListMember[amount_of_members] members;
    Guid leader;
    optional group_not_empty {
        GroupLootSetting loot_setting;
        Guid master_loot;
        ItemQuality loot_threshold;
        DungeonDifficulty difficulty;
        RaidDifficulty raid_difficulty;
        Bool heroic;


SMSG have a header of 4 bytes.

SMSG Header

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameDescription
0x002 OR 3 / Biguint16 OR uint16+uint8sizeSize of the rest of the message including the opcode field but not including the size field. Wrath server messages can be 3 bytes. If the first (most significant) size byte has 0x80 set, the header will be 3 bytes, otherwise it is 2.
-2 / Littleuint16opcodeOpcode that determines which fields the message contains.


OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
-1 / -u8group_type
-1 / -u8group_id
-1 / -u8flagsmangoszero/cmangos/vmangos: own flags (groupid
-1 / -u8roles
-8 / LittleGuidgroup
-4 / Littleu32counterazerothcore: 3.3, value increases every time this packet gets sent
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_members
-? / -GroupListMember[amount_of_members]members
-8 / LittleGuidleader

Optionally the following fields can be present. This can only be detected by looking at the size of the message.

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
-1 / -GroupLootSettingloot_setting
-8 / LittleGuidmaster_lootZero if loot_setting is not MASTER_LOOT
-1 / -ItemQualityloot_threshold
-1 / -DungeonDifficultydifficulty
-1 / -RaidDifficultyraid_difficulty
-1 / -Boolheroic