Client Version 1

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/item/smsg_item_push_result.wowm:22.

smsg SMSG_ITEM_PUSH_RESULT = 0x0166 {
    Guid guid;
    NewItemSource source;
    NewItemCreationType creation_type;
    NewItemChatAlert alert_chat;
    u8 bag_slot;
    u32 item_slot;
    Item item;
    u32 item_suffix_factor;
    u32 item_random_property_id;
    u32 item_count;

SMSG have a header of 4 bytes.

SMSG Header

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameDescription
0x002 / Biguint16sizeSize of the rest of the message including the opcode field but not including the size field.
0x022 / Littleuint16opcodeOpcode that determines which fields the message contains.


OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
0x048 / LittleGuidguid
0x0C4 / -NewItemSourcesource
0x104 / -NewItemCreationTypecreation_type
0x144 / -NewItemChatAlertalert_chat
0x181 / -u8bag_slot
0x194 / Littleu32item_slotmangoszero: item slot, but when added to stack: 0xFFFFFFFF
0x1D4 / LittleItemitem
0x214 / Littleu32item_suffix_factormangoszero: SuffixFactor
0x254 / Littleu32item_random_property_idmangoszero: random item property id
0x294 / Littleu32item_count


Example 1


Pushing the creation of a lionheart helm to player with Guid 4.

0, 43, // size
102, 1, // opcode (358)
4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // guid: Guid
0, 0, 0, 0, // source: NewItemSource LOOTED (0)
1, 0, 0, 0, // creation_type: NewItemCreationType CREATED (1)
1, 0, 0, 0, // alert_chat: NewItemChatAlert SHOW (1)
255, // bag_slot: u8
24, 0, 0, 0, // item_slot: u32
96, 49, 0, 0, // item: Item
0, 0, 0, 0, // item_suffix_factor: u32
0, 0, 0, 0, // item_random_property_id: u32
1, 0, 0, 0, // item_count: u32

Client Version 2.4.3, Client Version 3

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/item/smsg_item_push_result.wowm:69.

smsg SMSG_ITEM_PUSH_RESULT = 0x0166 {
    Guid guid;
    NewItemSource source;
    NewItemCreationType creation_type;
    NewItemChatAlert alert_chat;
    u8 bag_slot;
    u32 item_slot;
    Item item;
    u32 item_suffix_factor;
    u32 item_random_property_id;
    u32 item_count;
    u32 item_count_in_inventory;


SMSG have a header of 4 bytes.

SMSG Header

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameDescription
0x002 / Biguint16sizeSize of the rest of the message including the opcode field but not including the size field.
0x022 / Littleuint16opcodeOpcode that determines which fields the message contains.


OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
0x048 / LittleGuidguid
0x0C4 / -NewItemSourcesource
0x104 / -NewItemCreationTypecreation_type
0x144 / -NewItemChatAlertalert_chat
0x181 / -u8bag_slot
0x194 / Littleu32item_slotmangoszero: item slot, but when added to stack: 0xFFFFFFFF
0x1D4 / LittleItemitem
0x214 / Littleu32item_suffix_factormangoszero: SuffixFactor
0x254 / Littleu32item_random_property_idmangoszero: random item property id
0x294 / Littleu32item_count
0x2D4 / Littleu32item_count_in_inventory