Client Version 1

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/quest/smsg_questgiver_quest_details.wowm:8.

    Guid guid;
    u32 quest_id;
    CString title;
    CString details;
    CString objectives;
    Bool32 auto_finish;
    u32 amount_of_choice_item_rewards;
    QuestItemReward[amount_of_choice_item_rewards] choice_item_rewards;
    u32 amount_of_item_rewards;
    QuestItemReward[amount_of_item_rewards] item_rewards;
    Gold money_reward;
    Spell reward_spell;
    u32 amount_of_emotes;
    QuestDetailsEmote[amount_of_emotes] emotes;

SMSG have a header of 4 bytes.

SMSG Header

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameDescription
0x002 / Biguint16sizeSize of the rest of the message including the opcode field but not including the size field.
0x022 / Littleuint16opcodeOpcode that determines which fields the message contains.


OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
0x048 / LittleGuidguid
0x0C4 / Littleu32quest_id
0x10- / -CStringtitle
-- / -CStringdetails
-- / -CStringobjectives
-4 / LittleBool32auto_finish
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_choice_item_rewards
-? / -QuestItemReward[amount_of_choice_item_rewards]choice_item_rewards
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_item_rewards
-? / -QuestItemReward[amount_of_item_rewards]item_rewards
-4 / LittleGoldmoney_reward
-4 / LittleSpellreward_spell
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_emotes
-? / -QuestDetailsEmote[amount_of_emotes]emotes

Client Version 2.4.3

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/quest/smsg_questgiver_quest_details.wowm:27.

    Guid guid;
    u32 quest_id;
    CString title;
    CString details;
    CString objectives;
    Bool32 auto_finish;
    u32 suggested_players;
    u32 amount_of_choice_item_rewards;
    QuestItemReward[amount_of_choice_item_rewards] choice_item_rewards;
    u32 amount_of_item_rewards;
    QuestItemReward[amount_of_item_rewards] item_rewards;
    Gold money_reward;
    u32 honor_reward;
    Spell reward_spell;
    Spell casted_spell;
    u32 title_reward;
    u32 amount_of_emotes;
    QuestDetailsEmote[amount_of_emotes] emotes;


SMSG have a header of 4 bytes.

SMSG Header

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameDescription
0x002 / Biguint16sizeSize of the rest of the message including the opcode field but not including the size field.
0x022 / Littleuint16opcodeOpcode that determines which fields the message contains.


OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
0x048 / LittleGuidguid
0x0C4 / Littleu32quest_id
0x10- / -CStringtitle
-- / -CStringdetails
-- / -CStringobjectives
-4 / LittleBool32auto_finish
-4 / Littleu32suggested_players
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_choice_item_rewards
-? / -QuestItemReward[amount_of_choice_item_rewards]choice_item_rewards
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_item_rewards
-? / -QuestItemReward[amount_of_item_rewards]item_rewards
-4 / LittleGoldmoney_reward
-4 / Littleu32honor_reward
-4 / LittleSpellreward_spellmangosone: reward spell, this spell will display (icon) (casted if RewSpellCast==0)
-4 / LittleSpellcasted_spell
-4 / Littleu32title_rewardmangosone: CharTitle, new 2.4.0, player gets this title (bit index from CharTitles)
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_emotes
-? / -QuestDetailsEmote[amount_of_emotes]emotes

Client Version 3.3.5

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/quest/smsg_questgiver_quest_details.wowm:60.

    Guid guid;
    Guid guid2;
    u32 quest_id;
    CString title;
    CString details;
    CString objectives;
    Bool auto_finish;
    u32 quest_flags;
    u32 suggested_players;
    u8 is_finished;
    u32 amount_of_choice_item_rewards;
    QuestGiverReward[amount_of_choice_item_rewards] choice_item_rewards;
    u32 amount_of_item_rewards;
    QuestGiverReward[amount_of_item_rewards] item_rewards;
    Gold money_reward;
    u32 experience_reward;
    u32 honor_reward;
    f32 honor_reward_multiplier;
    Spell reward_spell;
    Spell casted_spell;
    u32 title_reward;
    u32 talent_reward;
    u32 arena_point_reward;
    u32 unknown2;
    u32[5] reward_factions;
    u32[5] reward_reputations;
    u32[5] reward_reputations_override;
    u32 amount_of_emotes;
    QuestDetailsEmote[amount_of_emotes] emotes;


SMSG have a header of 4 bytes.

SMSG Header

OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameDescription
0x002 OR 3 / Biguint16 OR uint16+uint8sizeSize of the rest of the message including the opcode field but not including the size field. Wrath server messages can be 3 bytes. If the first (most significant) size byte has 0x80 set, the header will be 3 bytes, otherwise it is 2.
-2 / Littleuint16opcodeOpcode that determines which fields the message contains.


OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
-8 / LittleGuidguid
-8 / LittleGuidguid2arcemu also sends guid2 if guid is a player. Otherwise sends 0.
-4 / Littleu32quest_id
-- / -CStringtitle
-- / -CStringdetails
-- / -CStringobjectives
-1 / -Boolauto_finish
-4 / Littleu32quest_flags
-4 / Littleu32suggested_players
-1 / -u8is_finishedarcemu: MANGOS: IsFinished? value is sent back to server in quest accept packet
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_choice_item_rewards
-? / -QuestGiverReward[amount_of_choice_item_rewards]choice_item_rewards
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_item_rewards
-? / -QuestGiverReward[amount_of_item_rewards]item_rewards
-4 / LittleGoldmoney_reward
-4 / Littleu32experience_rewardarcemu: New 3.3 - this is the XP you'll see on the quest reward panel too, but I think it is fine not to show it, because it can change if the player levels up before completing the quest.
-4 / Littleu32honor_reward
-4 / Littlef32honor_reward_multiplierarcemu: new 3.3
-4 / LittleSpellreward_spellmangosone: reward spell, this spell will display (icon) (casted if RewSpellCast==0)
-4 / LittleSpellcasted_spell
-4 / Littleu32title_rewardmangosone: CharTitle, new 2.4.0, player gets this title (bit index from CharTitles)
-4 / Littleu32talent_reward
-4 / Littleu32arena_point_reward
-4 / Littleu32unknown2arcemu: new 3.3.0
-20 / -u32[5]reward_factions
-20 / -u32[5]reward_reputationsmangostwo: columnid in QuestFactionReward.dbc (if negative, from second row)
-20 / -u32[5]reward_reputations_overridemangostwo: reward reputation override. No diplomacy bonus is expected given, reward also does not display in chat window
-4 / Littleu32amount_of_emotes
-? / -QuestDetailsEmote[amount_of_emotes]emotes