
Client Version 1.12

Wowm Representation

Autogenerated from wowm file at wow_message_parser/wowm/world/pvp/msg_pvp_log_data_server.wowm:14.

struct BattlegroundPlayer {
    Guid player;
    (u32)PvpRank rank;
    u32 killing_blows;
    u32 honorable_kills;
    u32 deaths;
    u32 bonus_honor;
    u32 amount_of_extra_fields;
    u32[amount_of_extra_fields] fields;


OffsetSize / EndiannessTypeNameComment
0x008 / LittleGuidplayer
0x084 / -PvpRankrank
0x0C4 / Littleu32killing_blows
0x104 / Littleu32honorable_kills
0x144 / Littleu32deaths
0x184 / Littleu32bonus_honor
0x1C4 / Littleu32amount_of_extra_fields
0x20? / -u32[amount_of_extra_fields]fieldsThis depends on the BG in question. AV expects 7: Graveyards Assaulted, Graveyards Defended, Towers Assaulted, Towers Defended, Secondary Objectives, LieutenantCount, SecondaryNpc
WSG expects 2: Flag captures and flag returns
AB expects 2: Bases assaulted and bases defended

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